- sushi bond
- Obligation med pålydende i en anden valuta end JPY, udstedt af en japansk resident. Placeres indledningsvis hos udenlandske investorer, men er til endelig placering hos japanske investorer.
English-Danish financial dictionary. 2015.
English-Danish financial dictionary. 2015.
Sushi bond — A eurobond issued by a Japanese corporation. The New York Times Financial Glossary A Eurobond issued by a Japanese corporation. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * sushi bond sushi bond ➔ bond * * * sushi bond UK US noun [C] FINANCE, STOCK… … Financial and business terms
sushi bond — / su:ʃi bɒnd/ noun a bond issued in a foreign currency by a Japanese corporation. ⇒ samurai bond, shogun bond … Dictionary of banking and finance
sushi bond — A bond issued by a Japanese registered company in a currency other than yen but targeted primarily at the Japanese institutional investor market … Accounting dictionary
sushi bond — A bond issued by a Japanese registered company in a currency other than yen but targeted primarily at the Japanese institutional investor market … Big dictionary of business and management
Sushi Bond — A Eurobond that is issued by a Japanese issuer and does not count against a Japanese institution s limits on the holdings of foreign securities. Another name for a Eurobond issued by a Japanese company … Investment dictionary
bond — payment by a tenant to a landlord before the tenant takes over the premises and from which the landlord may be able to deduct arrears of rent or the cost of rectifying damage. Glossary of Business Terms (1) A debt security. Sometimes used only in … Financial and business terms
Bond — Bonds are debt and are issued for a period of more than one year. The U.S. government, local governments, water districts, companies and many other types of institutions sell bonds. When an investor buys bonds, he or she is lending money. The… … Financial and business terms
in bond — ➔ bond * * * in bond ► TAX used to describe goods that have been imported and are being kept in a bonded warehouse until tax has been paid: » They will be required to pay the duties upon their goods in bond. → See also … Financial and business terms
Samurai bond — A yen denominated bond issued in Tokyo by a non Japanese borrower. Related: bulldog bond and Yankee bond. The New York Times Financial Glossary A yen denominated bond issued in Tokyo by a non Japanese borrower. Related: bulldog bond and Yankee… … Financial and business terms
Облигация "суши" — еврооблигация, эмитированная японской корпорацией. По английски: Sushi bond См. также: Еврооблигации Финансовый словарь Финам … Финансовый словарь
ОБЛИГАЦИЯ СУШИ — (sushi bond) Облигация, эмитируемая в Японии с номиналом в иностранной валюте, однако классифицируемая как национальная японская облигация. Такие облигации предназначены для институциональных инвесторов, возможности которых приобретать… … Финансовый словарь